We have made going to the Florida Keys an annual summer vacation spot. We rent a house, make home cooked meals, fish, swim, sing, dance, and so much more. For our family, its the perfect place to just get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday and just RELAX! Sometimes, it is hard to break away from our busy routine but when I am old and grey, I want to look back at my life and see that I have enjoyed my family and I have enjoyed my life. Vacations are so important to our family because we make memories, together and for for me, seeing the faces of my smiling family is worth every dime that we spend. There is a popular saying... "You can always make more money but you can't make more time with your family." It's a simple reminder that no one lives forever so make this life count by spending it with the people that matter the most! In a time where everything is go, go, go vacations are a time to slow down and to really enjoy the people arou...
It comes to no surprise for those of you that know me, I love to write. Unfortunately, my writing has taken a back seat lately because I have been busy being a mom, finishing my degree, and working as a 6th grade teacher. This has left me with hardly any time to write, but to be honest it wasn't the schedule that was too demanding, it was the mom guilt. I honestly felt guilty for taking any time to myself, even to do something that I love. I felt bad for finishing my degree and working, I felt bad for having to take the time to cook dinner and clean the house, I just felt guilty...all the time! I felt like no matter what I did, I was taking away the precious time with my children and that I was loosing potential memories with my children. I would look at pictures of my friends on Facebook and see all of the amazing post and think "wow, look at how much fun her children are having!" It's not that my children weren't having fun, believe me they are spoiled rotten...
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