"Man's Work"
During a recent Ladies Night- In event with some friends, the topic of “man’s work” came about. You see, “man’s work” are task that are considered masculine and therefore completed by men. These are things like mowing the lawn, taking out the trash, and anything to do with fixing something around the house. You know, manly things. But, that’s not always the case. The women around me were shocked to find out, I am usually the person in our family that takes care of the lawn. Just a few days before I had mowed the lawn, edged, trimmed the bushes and trees, and sprayed the flower beds with weed killer. Our yard looks lovely if I do say so myself. The act of mowing the lawn had never crossed my mind but as I spoke the words, my friends looked at me in utter shock. “You, mow the lawn?” one friend asked. “Why in the hell would you willingly do that?” asked another. I’d love to answer these questions with something amazing like, “Because, I am a strong and independent woman and I can mow...