To My Best Friend From High School

 To my very best friend from high school,

First let me say, I love and miss you, and thank you for all of the wonderful memories. You see, high school for me, was wonderful, because I had you. Of course we had other friends, but you and I had something special. We understood each other. The things we found funny, what made us mad, what made us sad and you were there for me when I needed you the most.
Image may contain: 8 people, including Brittany Rodriguez and LaTaja Kindred, people smiling, closeup and indoor

Even though we have been out of high school for well over 12 years, there are days that I still feel like I'm 16. I hear a song, one that we would sing as loud as humanly possible, while we drove around in my old Chevy Malibu, through the Indiana countryside, and it instantly takes me back. Times were very different then.

I was the blonde, you were the brunette. Where I went, so did you. The football game, the dance, the mall, and of course to eat...everywhere! We worked together, we laughed together, we cried together. We had the same wardrobe and too many inside jokes to count. People looked at us funny when we laughed and laughed without saying anything at all, but we didn't need to. All it took was one look from across the room to know exactly what you were feeling and I felt it too.

Image may contain: LaTaja Kindred and Brittany Rodriguez, people smiling, night, stripes, indoor and closeupYou were and still are my longest relationship. My very best friend. You know secrets that literally no one else knows, not even my husband...especially my husband. You know my fears, my dreams, you know the real me just as I know your fears, your dreams, and the real you.

I miss you. Even though life has taken us to different states and we don't always talk, I know you are still there for me and you always will be, just as I will always be there for you. I still beam with pride when you do something amazing and cry with you when your sad. I want the very best for you in life and in love. I want the whole world to see you how I see you, amazing, talented, a wonderful mother, and best friend.

To my very best friend from high school. We may have met as children but we have grown in to adulthood and we have done it together. I am so fortunate to call you my best friend. Thank you for all of the wonderful memories we have made and continue to make. I love you, my best friend.

Brittany Paige

I am a 6th grade teacher and mom. Like so many of us, I put my own ambitions aside and put my children and husbands needs before my own. Along the way I have realized, my ambitions matter too and therefore, I write. I am currently working on my first novel and taking the leap into freelance writing. If you would like to connect, you can follow me on Twitter @BrittPaigeBooks or follow my blog!


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